Next Events
British fencing has requested that the Elite Epee Team run some British Ranking Circuit Events following the success of the Elite Epee Junior Series and the Men’s & Women’s Series Events.
Entries / Entry Lists
Under 14, Cadet & Junior British Ranking Circuit events are required to be entered using the Sport80 system – https://www.bf.sport80.com/events
Event Formats
To comply with British Fencing Rules for BRC ‘B’ Events – For 2024/25 season events, these will be 2 rounds of poules with no elimination, followed by direct elimination.
Data retention, Publishing of Entry lists and Results online
By entering these competitions you agree for entry lists, results, photographs and videos to be published on our facebook page, website and linked results page (British Fencing etc) and that data (including contact data) can be held by the event organisers to assist in future competition arrangements (including contacting you to inform you of future events).
The organizers will be arranging for some photography/videoing to occur during the event within the fencing hall. If you do have any issues with your child being included in these photos please contact the organizer prior to the event. Individuals may video/take photographs during the event (no flashes please) and, as events are run in public spaces, it is impossible to ensure videos/photographs will not be shared on social media. Please see the British Fencing privacy/photography policy for full details.
If the event organiser/welfare officer (or authorised representative of the event organiser/welfare
officer) suspects inappropriate photography or filming, the officer/organiser should exercise his/her
powers under the conditions to request the person to leave the venue and to surrender any film
and/or delete any images relating to the event. Any person present at an event who has any concerns
about any images being taken, by any person, should bring them to the attention of the competition
organiser or other designated person.
Use of data/images & video
You may provide us with personal data as part of applying for or participating in events or activities.
This may include, but is not limited to, additional contact information, medical information, emergency contact information and images (photographic or video).
Where these activities or events are open to non-members:
- We may additionally collect your name, date of birth, gender, email address, address, contact telephone numbers,
Occasionally, we take photos or videos of fencing activities. We may use these images in commercial materials that we produce, in displays and on our website. We may also make video or webcam recordings for monitoring, evaluation, training and educational purposes.
We also send images to the news media, or our activities/events/competitions may be visited by the media who will take their own photographs or film footage (for example, of a visiting dignitary or other high profile event). People will often appear in these images. The news media may use the images in printed publications (including local or national newspapers), on televised news programmes or on their website. They then store them in their archive. They may also syndicate the photos to other media for possible use, either in printed publications, on websites, or both. When we submit photographs and information to the media, we have no control on when, where, if or how they will be used.
If you do not want us to use your image or your child’s image, please let us know.
Personal data may also collected in the event that you are involved in any accidents or disciplinary or safeguarding incidents and any subsequent investigation arising from these.
For more information or if you have any questions, please email eliteepeeevents@hotmail.co.uk or call Chris on 07887 522714.