Under 14, Cadet & Junior BRC events


Next Events

2024 Elite Epee BRC Cadet Ranking event @ Manchester Fencing Centre
Nov 2 – Nov 3 all-day
Venue – Manchester Fencing Centre, Osborne Mill, Waddington Street, Chadderton, Oldham, OL9 6QH Cadet Men’s Event – Saturday 2nd November 2024 – Check-in close 9.30am Cadet Women’s Event – Sunday 3rd November 2024 – Check-in close 9.30am Initial entry closing date – 5th October 2024, subject to Entry Caps which will be added to Sport80.   Event Format – Two rounds of poules, no elimination, followed by Direct Elimination. Entry by Sport80 – to be added Entry List on – to be added Live results – to be added Coaches – Coaches must register that they will be attending the event by initial entries close date (late applications may not be accepted).  Coaches need to email eliteepeejuniorseries@hotmail.co.uk with their BF membership number to be added to the event ‘coach register’.  Coaches must be current members of British Fencing, be BF registered coaches, appear on the Coach Search on the BF website and complete any event health survey (if required at that time) to attend.  As space in the fencing hall is limited any one club will be restricted to a maximum of two coach passes, or one coach pass for every 10 fencers attending (whichever is larger).



British fencing has requested that the Elite Epee Team run some British Ranking Circuit Events following the success of the Elite Epee Junior Series and the Men’s & Women’s Series Events.

Entries / Entry Lists

Under 14, Cadet & Junior British Ranking Circuit events are required to be entered using the Sport80 system – https://www.bf.sport80.com/events

Event Formats

To comply with British Fencing Rules for BRC ‘B’ Events – For 2024/25 season events, these will be 2 rounds of poules with no elimination, followed by direct elimination.

Data retention, Publishing of Entry lists and Results online

By entering these competitions you agree for entry lists, results, photographs and videos to be published on our facebook page, website and linked results page (British Fencing etc) and that data (including contact data) can be held by the event organisers to assist in future competition arrangements (including contacting you to inform you of future events).


The organizers will be arranging for some photography/videoing to occur during the event within the fencing hall. If you do have any issues with your child being included in these photos please contact the organizer prior to the event. Individuals may video/take photographs during the event (no flashes please) and, as events are run in public spaces, it is impossible to ensure videos/photographs will not be shared on social media.  Please see the British Fencing privacy/photography policy for full details.

If the event organiser/welfare officer (or authorised representative of the event organiser/welfare
officer) suspects inappropriate photography or filming, the officer/organiser should exercise his/her
powers under the conditions to request the person to leave the venue and to surrender any film
and/or delete any images relating to the event. Any person present at an event who has any concerns
about any images being taken, by any person, should bring them to the attention of the competition
organiser or other designated person.

Use of data/images & video

You may provide us with personal data as part of applying for or participating in events or activities.

This may include, but is not limited to, additional contact information, medical information, emergency contact information and images (photographic or video).

Where these activities or events are open to non-members:

  • We may additionally collect your name, date of birth, gender, email address, address, contact telephone numbers,

Occasionally, we take photos or videos of fencing activities. We may use these images in commercial materials that we produce, in displays and on our website. We may also make video or webcam recordings for monitoring, evaluation, training and educational purposes.

We also send images to the news media, or our activities/events/competitions may be visited by the media who will take their own photographs or film footage (for example, of a visiting dignitary or other high profile event).  People will often appear in these images.  The news media may use the images in printed publications (including local or national newspapers), on televised news programmes or on their website. They then store them in their archive. They may also syndicate the photos to other media for possible use, either in printed publications, on websites, or both. When we submit photographs and information to the media, we have no control on when, where, if or how they will be used.

 If you do not want us to use your image or your child’s image, please let us know.

Personal data may also collected in the event that you are involved in any accidents or disciplinary or safeguarding incidents and any subsequent investigation arising from these.

For more information or if you have any questions, please email eliteepeeevents@hotmail.co.uk or call Chris on 07887 522714.

Four County Youth Epee Championships

We will be looking to restart the Four County Events, however are currently lacking available dates and venue.  If we can find a suitable time to run the championships, we will get in touch with local fencers.


With the expansion of Youth Epee in the Oundle, Peterborough & Stamford area over the last few years it was decided that running separate County Youth Epee Championships for Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire, Lincolnshire and Rutland was impractical due to the lack of available weekends in the fencing season or let alone available venues.

In 2020 we will run a combined event to cover the four counties together, so giving the opportunity to run a bigger event, which should mean less requirements to combine age-group categories.

To make best use of the facilities in 2020 we will also run a Four County Veteran event on the same day to help expand events available for our Veteran fencers.

County Eligibility

This is a ‘closed’ county championship so all fencers taking part must either, have their main home, go to school, or fence in a County based club (or official feeder school to that club) within the Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire, Lincolnshire or Rutland counties.


Information will be placed on this site, including entry lists, check-in times and general information on events. Please check the website just after entries close for confirmed check-in times etc.

Weapon Sizes

The Under 10 age-group will be using size 0, Under 12 and Under 14 events will be using size 2 Epees (guard to tip 82.5cm max) with the Under 16 & U18 event using size 5 weapons. Depending on numbers in the Under 8 event, Size 0 Epoils may be used (combination of foil & Epee Parts to make even lighter weapon), however if so the event organiser will supply these for the event.

Fight times / durations

Poule fights in the Under 8, Under 10 and Under 12 age-groups will be to 5 hits, with a 2 minute fight duration. Direct Elimination fights will be to 10 hits with 3 periods of 2 minute duration (with a minute gap between periods).

Poule Fights for Under 14, Under 16 and Under 18 age-groups will be 5 hits, with a 3 minute fight duration. Direct Elimination fights will be to 15 hits with 3 periods of 3 minute duration (with a 60 second gap between periods).

Equipment regulations

All kit must conform to the British Fencing regulations (see www.britishfencing.com). In the Under 16 and Under 18 events size 5 weapons will be used so 350N breeches and 800 Newton plastrons are required. Weapons may be tested at the event from the first round for weight and travel; however due to the use of communal weapons by a large number of the entries, cards will not be issued for failed weapons (in this regard). All fencers should ensure that the equipment they are wearing fits correctly, with suitable overlap, especially between jackets & breeches. Referees will be specifically requested to ensure this is the case. Fencers in Girls events are required to wear chest-protectors.


‘Four County Championship’ Medals for 1st, 2nd and =3rd place for each category will be presented.  In addition a County Youth Champion medal will be presented to the highest ranked fencer from each category from each county.


We are planning to have teas, coffees, cold drinks and snacks at the event.  There is not planned to be a full catering facility. Note that food cannot be consumed in the hall and no open cups can be used in the hall (only bottles/cups with lids).

Data retention, Publishing of Entry lists and Results online

By entering these competitions you agree for entry lists and results to be published on our facebook page, website and linked results page (British Fencing, Epee.me etc) and that data (including contact data) can be held by the event organisers to assist in future competition arrangements (including contacting you to inform you of future events).


The organizers will be arranging for some photography/videoing to occur during the event within the fencing hall. These photos may be used for publicity and may be posted on the internet. If you do have any issues with your child being included in these photos please contact the organizer. Individuals may video/take photographs during the event (no flashes please), however you must register with the organizers on the day.

For more information or if you have any questions, please email eliteepeeevents@hotmail.co.uk or call Chris on 07887 522714.

Elite Epee Veteran’s Open

Next Events

We have paused the Veteran events within Elite Epee, as the Children’s and Senior events have got to a size that running Veteran events may impact on the running of our weekends.  If plans do change, we will ensure notifications are made on the Facebook Veteran Chatter pages.

The events are being supported by Allstar/Uhlmann UK, BladesBrand UK, OPS Epee Club and Redhill & Reigate Epee Club who will all be helping with the kitting out of the event.

Email eliteepeeevents@hotmail.co.uk to reserve a space.


We will plan to use the Traditional Open format to allow a single wave of poules in a venue.

Please note – There is no plate competition at this event.

Closing Date/Late entries 

The main closing date for all events will be 2 weeks prior to the event date (or may be earlier/pushed back in some cases). At this time byes etc will be set. Entries will be still be accepted up to the receipt of post the Saturday of the weekend before the event with an late entry fee (£11.00 on top of normal entry fee), subject to the total entry cap. No entries will generally be accepted in the week preceeding any event.


We have been able to secure the use of Millfield School Tennis Centre for our initial 2018 Event, and run within our bigger Elite Epee weekend to date, with Mens, Women’s, Juniors and Veteran events running over the weekend.

Equipment regulations

All kit must conform to the British Fencing regulations (see www.britishfencing.com). 350N breeches (minimum) and 800 Newton plastrons are required. Weapons will be tested at the event from the first round for weight and travel and cards will be given for failures (and if spare weapons/bodywires are not with you by the piste). All fencers should ensure that the equipment they are wearing fits correctly, with suitable overlap, especially between jackets & breeches. Referees will be specifically requested to ensure this is the case.


Initially, as this is an ‘Open’ Veterans event there will be just Medals for the overall podium winners. If entry numbers make it financially viable we will then buy trophies for return at future events for the winners of both Men’s and Women’s events and look at age-group prizes.

Special Rules for this event

‘Double spooling’ may be used in the first round of this event where possible if it is needed to speed up change-overs. As such fencers must be attached to the spare spool and ready to get on the piste immediately after the previous fight finishes. Referees will be asked to Yellow card repeat offenders who are delaying the poule. Poule fight orders will be posted at the end of the piste so there is no excuse for not being ready. This technique will save over 30 minutes on a poule of 7 and is required to give us all the later start time.

Age qualification

To compete as a veteran you must be 40 or older at the end of that year, as such someone born in December, can fence almost a full year whilst still 39.

Equipment Stand

There will only be a limited kit stand at the event (via the Armourer) for pre-ordered kit and emergencies (socks, bodywires, blades etc), this is due to the lack of sales usually made at single weapon Epee events and the additional cost/time that it would take to have a full stand. If you have specific items from the BladesBrand or Allstar/Uhlmann range, please contact Chris to confirm this is available at an event and then Graham at the Allstar shop on 01784 255522 to order so those items can be taken along (please give enough time for stock to be shipped in if out of stock).


Seeding for the event will be based on the Senior Epee Rankings available on the British Fencing website as of the Thursday prior to the event. Foreign fencers with world rankings in the top 150 of the world rankings will be seeded at closing date by comparing their world ranking to the British fencers and slotting in accordingly.

If the BVF do produce rankings for Veteran events we will look to use these if they are deemed more reliable than the Senior British Rankings.


We hope to be able to pay all referees and organisers approximately £50 to £60 for a full day helping to cover expenses etc in attending. Some specialist positions may receive a higher amount (first aid etc).

Withdrawals/Refunds – As we encourage fencers to enter our events as early as possible, we will offer fencers refunds of their entry fees if they do need to withdraw from the event. However to receive a refund the request to withdraw must occur at least 4 weeks prior to the event in question as otherwise staffing and other costs would have been planned with certain entry numbers and the event risks its financial viability. Refunds will be subject to a ₤5.00 administration fee.


We plan to run a refreshments stall with sandwiches, cakes, snacks and hot and cold drinks at all events in the series.

Data retention, Publishing of Entry lists and Results online

By entering these competitions you agree for entry lists and results to be published on our facebook page, website and linked results page (British Fencing, Epee.me etc) and that data (including contact data) can be held by the event organisers to assist in future competition arrangements (including contacting you to inform you of future events).

Elite Epee Events Data Privacy Notice


If you have any questions regarding the event, please email me at eliteepeeevents@hotmail.co.uk.

Senior Women’s Elite Epee Series

Next Events

2024 Elite Epee Women’s Series Event @ Manchester Fencing Centre
Nov 2 all-day

Event Date – Saturday 2nd November 2024

Venue – Manchester Fencing Centre, Osborne Mill, Waddington Street, Chadderton, Oldham, OL9 6QH

Initial entry closing date – 5th October.  Entry cap 63 fencers 

Check-in close time & start – afternoon start, exact start time to be added closer to the event

Online Entry – to be added

Entry list – to be added

email – eliteepeeevents@hotmail.co.uk 

Live results –to be added

Coaches – Coaches must register that they will be attending the event.  Coaches need to email eliteepeeevents@hotmail.co.uk with their BF membership number to be added to the event coaches register.  Coaches must be members of British Fencing, be BF registered coaches and appear on the BF Coach search survey to attend.


Points Race Rankings – Link

Outline of the Elite Epee Women’s Series

The first Women’s event ran successfully in July 2013 and it is planned for events to be run on at least an annual basis in future.

For 2023 we are planning to run 3 Women’s series events subject to venues and available weekends.

The events are being supported by Allstar/Uhlmann UK, BladesBrand UK, OPS Epee Club and Redhill & Reigate Epee Club who will all be helping with the kitting out of the event.


Event Format will depend on entry numbers, however we will plan to use the Traditional Open format in most cases.

One round of Poules of 7 (or 6), all fencers promoted
Direct Elimination to Final

Please note – There is no plate competition at this event.

Point Race and Grand Final

For 2023 onwards see- XXX

A certain amount of points will be allocated to each fencer competing at any Elite Epee Women’s event depending on the placing they achieve at that event as per the below spreadsheet. Points will be added together with all events counting towards your overall points race total.

The points race for any season can be found at www.epee.me

The Grand Final will generally take place in December in Peterborough/Oundle, where the top 8 available fencers will be invited to attend the Grand Final (no entry fee for the Grand Final). The format of the event will be a poule of 8 followed by Direct elimination to decide the Grand Final Champion. 

If a tie exists after all the qualifying events are completed (for the final qualifying place) the place will be decided by the best two positions gained by those fencers (addition of those placings), if there is still a tie the place will be decided by who has the highest placed single result. If after that there is still a tie, the fencer with their best result counts, then using event size where best score secured, then if still a tie by British Ranking as at Invite date.

XXX For 2023 onwards we are not planning to to run a Grand Final due to the financial constraints of running our competitions.  This is to allow us to keep our entry fees similar to comparable events.  


We will use various venues which may change from season to season.  We are trying to successfully expand to differing areas around the country, however as with so many things, if certain venues fail to attract entries, they will stop being used in future years.

Equipment regulations

All kit must conform to the British Fencing regulations (see www.britishfencing.com). 350N breeches (minimum) and 800 Newton plastrons are required. Weapons will be tested at the event from the first round for weight and travel and cards will be given for failures (and if spare weapons/bodywires are not with you by the piste). All fencers should ensure that the equipment they are wearing fits correctly, with suitable overlap, especially between jackets & breeches. Referees will be specifically requested to ensure this is the case.

Special Rules for this event

‘Double spooling’ may be used in the first round of this event where possible if it is needed to speed up change-overs. As such fencers must be attached to the spare spool and ready to get on the piste immediately after the previous fight finishes. Referees will be asked to Yellow card repeat offenders who are delaying the poule. Poule fight orders will be posted at the end of the piste so there is no excuse for not being ready. This technique will save over 30 minutes on a poule of 7 and is required to give us all the later start time.

Minimum Age

All fencers must comply with the current British Fencing regulations for children fencing in adult events. As of January 2018, all fencers must be 13 as of the date of the actual competition taking place.

Entry Priorities

All GBR top 50 at closing date will get priority on entries, other spots will be allocated on a entry received basis. 


Seeding for the event will be based on the Senior Epee Rankings available on the British Fencing website (or live rankings if available). Foreign fencers with world rankings in the top 150 of the world rankings will be seeded at closing date by comparing their world ranking to the British fencers and slotting in accordingly.


The Elite Epee Events are known for running some of the best events in the country. As such entry fees are not as low as some Open events, however we do try to keep our entry fees lower/similar to comparably run events. The entry fee has risen over the last few years, which takes into account increasing costs for Hall Hire, van hire, referees, fuel etc and allows the events to keep to the high quality of refereeing/hardware for the events going forward.

For 2023 onwards we plan to be able to pay all referees and organizers approximately £80 for a full day helping to cover expenses etc in attending. Some specialist positions may receive a higher amount.

Withdrawals/Refunds – As we encourage fencers to enter the senior Open events as early as possible, we will offer fencers refunds of their entry fees if they do need to withdraw from the event. However to receive a refund the request to withdraw must occur at least 3 weeks prior to the event in question as otherwise staffing and other costs would have been planned with certain entry numbers and the event risks its financial viability. Refunds will be subject to a £12.00 administration fee.

Closing Date/Late entries 

The main closing date for all events will be 3 weeks prior to the event date, though late entries may be accepted after this date with a £15 late entry fee. No entries will generally be accepted in the week preceding any event. 

Data retention, Publishing of Entry lists and Results online

By entering these competitions you agree for entry lists, results, photographs and videos to be published on our facebook page, website and linked results page (British Fencing etc) and that data (including contact data) can be held by the event organisers to assist in future competition arrangements (including contacting you to inform you of future events).


The organizers will be arranging for some photography/videoing to occur during the event within the fencing hall. If you do have any issues with your child being included in these photos please contact the organizer prior to the event. Individuals may video/take photographs during the event (no flashes please) and, as events are run in public spaces, it is impossible to ensure videos/photographs will not be shared on social media.  Please see the British Fencing privacy/photography policy for full details.

If the event organiser/welfare officer (or authorised representative of the event organiser/welfare
officer) suspects inappropriate photography or filming, the officer/organiser should exercise his/her
powers under the conditions to request the person to leave the venue and to surrender any film
and/or delete any images relating to the event. Any person present at an event who has any concerns
about any images being taken, by any person, should bring them to the attention of the competition
organiser or other designated person.

Use of data/images & video

You may provide us with personal data as part of applying for or participating in events or activities.

This may include, but is not limited to, additional contact information, medical information, emergency contact information and images (photographic or video).

Where these activities or events are open to non-members:

  • We may additionally collect your name, date of birth, gender, email address, address, contact telephone numbers,

Occasionally, we take photos or videos of fencing activities. We may use these images in commercial materials that we produce, in displays and on our website. We may also make video or webcam recordings for monitoring, evaluation, training and educational purposes.

We also send images to the news media, or our activities/events/competitions may be visited by the media who will take their own photographs or film footage (for example, of a visiting dignitary or other high profile event).  People will often appear in these images.  The news media may use the images in printed publications (including local or national newspapers), on televised news programmes or on their website. They then store them in their archive. They may also syndicate the photos to other media for possible use, either in printed publications, on websites, or both. When we submit photographs and information to the media, we have no control on when, where, if or how they will be used.

If you do not want us to use your image or your child’s image, please let us know.

Personal data may also collected in the event that you are involved in any accidents or disciplinary or safeguarding incidents and any subsequent investigation arising from these.

Elite Epee Events Data Privacy Notice


Will be available at some venues..


If you have any questions regarding the event, please email me at eliteepeeevents@hotmail.co.uk.

Senior Men Elite Epee Series

Next Events

2024 Elite Epee Men’s Series 4 @ City of London Freemen’s School
Oct 20 all-day

Event Date – Sunday 20th October 2024

Venue – City Of London Freemans School, Ashtead Park (near Leatherhead), Surrey, KT21 1ET

Initial entry closing date – 21st September 2024. Entry cap 77 fencers 

Check-in close time & start – 10.00am earliest check-in close

Online Entry – Via Sport 80 – to be added

Entry list – to be added

email – eliteepeeevents@hotmail.co.uk 

Live results –

Coaches – Coaches must register that they will be attending the event.  Coaches need to email eliteepeeevents@hotmail.co.uk with their BF membership number to be added to the event coaches register.  Coaches must be members of British Fencing, be BF registered coaches and appear on the BF Coach search survey to attend.

2024 Elite Epee Men’s Series Event 5 @ Manchester Fencing Centre
Nov 3 all-day

Event Date – Sunday 3rd November 2024

Venue – Manchester Fencing Centre, Osborne Mill, Waddington Street, Chadderton, Oldham, OL9 6QH

Initial entry closing date – 5th October.  Entry cap 63 fencers – Entries kept open to allow additional entries

Check-in close time & start – early afternoon, exact time to be confirmed

Online Entry – to be added

Entry list – via sport80 – to be added

email – eliteepeeevents@hotmail.co.uk 

Live results – to be added

Coaches – Coaches must register that they will be attending the event.  Coaches need to email eliteepeeevents@hotmail.co.uk with their BF membership number to be added to the event coaches register.  Coaches must be members of British Fencing, be BF registered coaches and appear on the BF Coach search survey to attend.

Background of the Elite Epee Men’s Series

Following consultation with many of the top GBR Epeeists, it was decided that there was sufficient interest for the Elite Epee Senior Events to commence back in 2010. In the first year we ran only one men’s event in Surrey, which expanded to 2 events in 2012, 3 in 2013/14, and had 9 planned in 2020 all around the country before Covid hit.

With 2020 having only 2 events and 2 planned for 2021, we will be combining the 2020/21 & 22 seasons to get a good number of events for our rankings.

We are planning for 5 or 6 events for 2023, but may be able to expand further depending on available weekends.

The events are being supported by Allstar/Uhlmann UK, BladesBrand UK and OPS Epee Club who will all be helping with the kitting out of the event.. 

Thanks also to The Epee Club for supplying the Elite Epee Senior Men’s Trophy.

Point Race and Grand Final

Following the change of the finances and to keep entry fees low, we will not be having a Grand Final for the Men’s Series, but will keep the points race going.

For 2023 onwards we will no longer be running a Grand Final for our senior events.  This is due to the tightness on costs for competitions in general and the need to keep entry costs to a minimum for our general fencers.  We will keep the points race going as we may be able to have prizes etc for the points race winner.

Points Race – Link

Closing Date/Late entries 

From 2023, entries are being processed through the Sport80 system. The main closing date for all events will be 3 weeks prior to the event date. Entries may still be accepted after initial closing date, with a late entry fee (see sport80), subject to the total entry cap. No entries will generally be accepted in the week preceding any event, but feel free to ask if entry caps have not been reached. 


For 2023 –

Following discussions with British Fencing we will not be able to run the Elite Epee Senior Competitions using the World Cup format for the foreseeable future, as this does not really fit into the BF Weapon Strategy for ranking events.

The change to a traditional event format of one round of Poules (no cut) followed by Direct Elimination supports the changes made within the BF selection policy and ranking scheme, promoting more competition within the ranking scheme and will ensure the Elite Epee Series events will continue to be included as a qualifying ranking event.

Hopefully at some point in the future will be able to run events on a World Cup Basis again with a limited entry (and slight adaptation). Overall entry limited depending on venue size to allow a single wave of poules. Top 16 seeds receive bye direct to L64, with later check-in time (bye must be taken – no opt out). After 1st round (poules of 7 ideally), all fencers are promoted with the top 16 ranked from the poules receiving byes to L64 (17th to 32nd spots in Tableux), the remaining fencers (17th seed onwards from poule round) fight of the Direct Elimination Preliminaries to secure 33rd to 64th spots in the last 64 tableaux, The top 16 seeds will join the event at last 64 stage and direct elimination is run to the final.  If there are insufficient entries for a complete last 64, we reserve the right to adapt format to traditional open format (i.e. all fencer in first round). This choice will be made near the date of any event (usually on entries close date).

Please note – There is no plate competition at these event.


Address details can be found the events pages and include CLFS in Surrey, Moulton College in Northants, Newcastle Fencing Centre and the Manchester Fencing Centre.

Equipment regulations

All kit must conform to the British Fencing regulations (see www.britishfencing.com). 350N breeches (minimum) and 800 Newton plastrons are required. Weapons will be tested at the event from the first round for weight and travel and cards will be given for failures (and if spare weapons/bodywires are not with you by the piste). All fencers should ensure that the equipment they are wearing fits correctly, with suitable overlap, especially between jackets & breeches. Referees will be specifically requested to ensure this is the case.

Special Rules for this event

‘Double spooling’ may be used at this event if it is needed to speed up change-overs. As such fencers must be attached to the spare spool and ready to get on the piste immediately after the previous fight finishes. Referees will be asked to Yellow card repeat offenders who are delaying the poule.

Entry Priorities

Due to using Sport80 for entries, it is not practical to run a priority for Top 50 rankings, so all fencer will need to enter early to secure their spots.

Byes and Seeding

Seeding for the event is based on the Senior Epee Rankings available on the British Fencing website as of closing date of each event (or the live rankings if there is a technical hitch). Foreign fencers with world rankings in the top 200 of the world rankings will be seeded at closing date by comparing their world ranking to the British fencers and slotting in accordingly.

Minimum Age

All fencers must comply with the current British Fencing regulations for children fencing in adult events. As of January 2018, all fencers must be 13 as of the date of the actual competition taking place.


The Elite Epee Events are known for running some of the best events in the country. As such entry fees are not as low as some Open events, however we do try to keep our entry fees lower/similar to comparably run events. The entry fee has risen over the last few years, which takes into account increasing costs for Hall Hire, van hire, referees, fuel, as well as the Bf Ranking levy and Sport80 fees and allows the events to keep to the high quality of refereeing/hardware for the events going forward.

For 2023 onwards we plan to be able to pay all referees and organizers approximately £80 for a full day helping to cover expenses etc in attending. Some specialist positions may receive a higher amount.

Withdrawals/Refunds – As we encourage fencers to enter the senior Open events as early as possible, we will offer fencers refunds of their entry fees if they do need to withdraw from the event. However to receive a refund the request to withdraw must occur at least 3 weeks prior to the event in question as otherwise staffing and other costs would have been planned with certain entry numbers and the event risks its financial viability. Refunds will be subject to a £15.00 administration fee to take into account non-reclaimable ranking levy and sport80 fees and an admin charge.


Following discussions with many of the top fencers at past events, from Autumn 2012 we are planning to mix our experienced referees with some of the development referees who have picked up lots of experience at the Junior Series events. This is due to the difficulty we have had getting a suitable number of more senior referees to attend the events, but also to help these younger referees build up their confidence in refereeing for the future. Please note, only referees that I am confident in will be offered the chance to referee these events.


We are delighted to have been presented a trophy by ‘The Epee Club’ which will be presented to the Champion of each event to keep a record of champions for the future. This trophy can be held by the winner until the next event of the series.  Medals will also be presented.

We would like to thank the Epee Club for their generosity towards adding that little extra bit for the event.


Refreshments will be available at some events.  We will confirm in the run up to events what will be available.

Data retention, Publishing of Entry lists and Results online

By entering these competitions you agree for entry lists, results, photographs and videos to be published on our facebook page, website and linked results page (British Fencing etc) and that data (including contact data) can be held by the event organisers to assist in future competition arrangements (including contacting you to inform you of future events).


The organizers will be arranging for some photography/videoing to occur during the event within the fencing hall. If you do have any issues with your child being included in these photos please contact the organizer prior to the event. Individuals may video/take photographs during the event (no flashes please) and, as events are run in public spaces, it is impossible to ensure videos/photographs will not be shared on social media.  Please see the British Fencing privacy/photography policy for full details.

If the event organiser/welfare officer (or authorised representative of the event organiser/welfare
officer) suspects inappropriate photography or filming, the officer/organiser should exercise his/her
powers under the conditions to request the person to leave the venue and to surrender any film
and/or delete any images relating to the event. Any person present at an event who has any concerns
about any images being taken, by any person, should bring them to the attention of the competition
organiser or other designated person.

Use of data/images & video

You may provide us with personal data as part of applying for or participating in events or activities.

This may include, but is not limited to, additional contact information, medical information, emergency contact information and images (photographic or video).

Where these activities or events are open to non-members:

  • We may additionally collect your name, date of birth, gender, email address, address, contact telephone numbers,

Occasionally, we take photos or videos of fencing activities. We may use these images in commercial materials that we produce, in displays and on our website. We may also make video or webcam recordings for monitoring, evaluation, training and educational purposes.

We also send images to the news media, or our activities/events/competitions may be visited by the media who will take their own photographs or film footage (for example, of a visiting dignitary or other high profile event).  People will often appear in these images.  The news media may use the images in printed publications (including local or national newspapers), on televised news programmes or on their website. They then store them in their archive. They may also syndicate the photos to other media for possible use, either in printed publications, on websites, or both. When we submit photographs and information to the media, we have no control on when, where, if or how they will be used.

If you do not want us to use your image or your child’s image, please let us know.

Personal data may also collected in the event that you are involved in any accidents or disciplinary or safeguarding incidents and any subsequent investigation arising from these.

Elite Epee Events Data Privacy Notice


If you have any questions regarding the event, please email me at eliteepeeevents@hotmail.co.uk

Elite Epee Junior Series

Next Events

2024 – Elite Epee Junior Series Event 4 @ City of London Freeman’s School
Oct 19 all-day

Event Date – Saturday 19th October 2024 –

Venue – City Of London Freemans School, Ashtead Park (near Leatherhead), Surrey, KT21 1ET

Online entry submission – Entry link


Under 10 – 2015, 2016 & 2017 (Size 0 Epees)

Under 12 – 2013, 2014 (Size 2 or 0 Epees)

Under 14 – 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, must be aged 10 or older on day of event  (Size 2 or 0 Epees) – British Ranking Circuit ‘C’ event.

Under 17 – 2008, 2009, 2010

Initial entry closing date – 21st September 2024  (extra £5 late entry fee after this date).

Refund Policy on EEJS page

If you have any questions, please email eliteepeejuniorseries@hotmail.co.uk.  Please do not call organisers by phone as the number you have is for on-the-day issues, not for general enquiries.

Current Series Entry List – Link

Usual Event Format – One Round of Poules, no cut, followed by Direct Elimination. – Variation may be required depending on entry numbers

Schedule – to be added

Check-in close times – to be added

Live results – to be added

To minimise crowding at the event, please only bring those that need to be along.

Coaches – Coaches must register that they will be attending the event by initial entries close date (late applications will not be accepted).  Coaches need to email eliteepeejuniorseries@hotmail.co.uk with their BF membership number to be added to the event ‘coach register’.  Coaches must be current members of British Fencing, be BF registered coaches, appear on the Coach Search on the BF website and complete any event health survey (if required at that time) to attend.  As space in the fencing hall is limited, any one club will be restricted to a maximum of two coach passes, or one coach pass for every 10 fencers attending (whichever is larger)..

2024 – Elite Epee Junior Series Event 5 @ The Manchester Fencing Centre
Nov 2 – Nov 3 all-day

Event Date – 2nd/3rd November 2024

Venue – Manchester Fencing Centre, Osborne Mill, Waddington Street, Chadderton, Oldham, OL9 6QH

Initial entry closing date – 5th October 2024

Entries after initial closing date (5th October) will have a £5 late entry fee.

Online entry submission – Entry link

Check-in close and start times – to be added after initial closing date

Girl’s Events – Saturday 2nd November (Under 10, 12 & 14)

Boy’s Events – Sunday 3rd November (Under 10, 12 & 14)


Under 10 – 2015, 2016 & 2017 (Size 0 Epees)

Under 12 – 2013, 2014 (Size 2 or 0 Epees)

Under 14 – 2011, 2012 (Size 2 or 0 Epees)

Under 17 – Please see BRC Cadet Section for event information and event days (which differ to EEJS days).  Note fencers can compete in the EEJS & Cadet BRC events on this weekend, subject to minimum age restrictions.

If you have any questions, please email eliteepeejuniorseries@hotmail.co.uk.  Please do not call organisers by phone as the number you have is for on-the-day issues, not for general enquiries.

Current Series Entry List – Entry List

Event Format – One Round of Poules, no cut, followed by Direct Elimination.

Schedule and Check in times – to be added after closing date

Live results – to be added

To minimise crowding at the event, please only bring those that need to be along.

Coaches – Coaches must register that they will be attending the event by initial entries close date (late applications may not be accepted).  Coaches need to email eliteepeejuniorseries@hotmail.co.uk with their BF membership number to be added to the event ‘coach register’.  Coaches must be current members of British Fencing, be BF registered coaches, appear on the Coach Search on the BF website and complete any event health survey (if required at that time) to attend.  As space in the fencing hall is limited, any one club will be restricted to a maximum of two coach passes, or one coach pass for every 10 fencers attending (whichever is larger)..



2024-2025 Points Race Rankings – Link


In 2007 the steady increase of top level Junior Epee Fencing in and around the Surrey area led us to believe that there was a real need for a series of local competitions to help nurture the local talent and help introduce less experienced fencers to competition fencing. Over the years the series has flourished and is now widely regarded as one of the best run series of events and most enjoyable in the country.

The series is open to fencers from all counties & countries, not just Surrey and has attracted fencers from all around the country with fencers travelling from as far afield as Wales, Scotland, Newcastle, Plymouth and even the Channel Islands to take part in the events.

As well as great events to gain experience in competition, the Elite Epee Junior Series Events are generally used within the England Youth Rankings for selecting England teams for International trips each year (however EF makes the final decision on which events are used for their rankings).

Series Structure – Updated for 2024/25 season

We are looking to makes changes to the series, both to allow the series to continue in a financially stable basis and to fit in with National Ranking Schemes for the upcoming season.

Series Finances –

We wish to keep the high quality of events through the year, but with cost of hiring venues for 2024 rising by 20% in some cases, referee expenses rising by over 10% in the last year and van hire, fuel and other costs going up considerably, I would have to increase entry costs by 15% or more to cover these rises or look at other ways we can adapt the series to keep overall costs down. 

Though the Grand Final event has been great for the fencers who have qualified for it over the years, the cost to run it, with prize funds, venue and referee costs it simply makes it unaffordable to continue in the future, especially as there is not the benefit for all our series fencers, just the top few who qualify.    

This also opens up a weekend in the season for other competitions to take place, so I am afraid that the 2023 Grand Final will be our last running of this event. 

The intention will now be to keep 2024/2025 season entry fees broadly in line with those of the 2023 series.  These entry fees are similar or lower than comparable national series events, which I hope will be appreciated. 

Age-Groups for Series – 24/25 season

We will still be looking to continue with Under 10, Under 12, Under 14 and Under 17 age-groups, however we will be looking to switch the qualifying year of birth for each age-group part way through the year, so that our series falls in line with National Ranking schemes and to specifically match in closer to the British Cadet and Under 14 ranking scheme. 

Please find details of the updated British Ranking Circuit Scheme – here

The change for the Under 14s British Ranking scheme resets after the British Youth Championships (BYCS) at the start of May, with Cadet rankings resetting after the Cadet World Championships at the end of April.  The ‘age as of’ date will therefore be the end of that year, so an Under 14 must still be 13 on 31st December of that season.

This will mean that the series can generally be used for British Ranking events more easily if we are asked to include any more of our events and if we are offered to run a BRC Cadet event in November (as we have run for the last couple of years), it can be used in our own Points Race Under 17 ranking scheme. 

Fencers are not generally allowed to fence up an age-group, however fencers can do this for BRC Cadet ‘B’ events (and if scheduling allows, also do their usual category) and where any other of our series events are allocated the new ‘C’ status, fencers will be allowed to fence up to compete in the BRC event.

Points/Ranking System

With half of the fencers in the series switching age-group categories part way through the 2024/5 season, will will combine our points race system, and combining age-groups into a single points race for all fencers.  Fencers can only gain points for their ‘official’ age-group category, so if a Under 14 fencer competes in a Cadet event, the Cadet result will not count on their points race total.

The points system for the 2023-24 season onwards will use the same points scheme as in recent years and will count points received from all the events of the season in the Points Race.

If a tie exists after all the qualifying events are completed, the place will be decided by the best two positions gained by those fencers (addition of those placings), if there is still a tie the place will be decided by who has the highest placed single result.  If a tie still exists, places will be decided on the biggest entry in the best placed result.

The actual Points race can be found at the top of this page.

Note that points for the points race will only be given for the actual age-group that is suitable for your year of birth, so if an Under 12 fencer chooses to do a BRC ‘C’ Under 14, rather than their actual Under 12 event, they will not receive points for that event.  However we will be reviewing this going forward and may be subject to change mid-season,


In 2024, we are hoping to be able to run events at a variety of the following venues.  Which venues are used in a season will vary depending on availability on required dates.

  • Moulton College, Northants
  • City of London Freemen’s School, Surrey
  • The Manchester Fencing Centre
  • The Newcastle Fencing Centre
  • The Peterborough School, Cambridgeshire
  • Oundle School, Northamptonshire

Due to the size of some venues, we may need to restrict which age-groups are included in some events, prioritizing younger age-groups where possible.

Event Formats

We try to run the events in as a professional manner as possible with referees and helpers receiving expenses for their attendance. Entries will be capped to ensure the events are run in a smooth manner with no requirement for multiple waves of poules in the first round. The initial events will usually run with one round of poules (ideally of 7s and 6s, however this size poules is not possible for all entry numbers), followed by Direct Elimination down to the winner, however the organisers reserve the right to adapt this format if it is thought that the entry number requires a different format. The 5th event, ‘The Series Final’ will run as a poule of 8 followed by Direct Elimination to find the Series Grand Final Champions.

Check-in and start times will be published approximately 2/3 weeks before each events once a good idea of entry numbers are known. Entry caps will be detailed on this website if they are required once entries start coming in and a entry cap for each event will be set at closing date for each event. In past years we have tried to set earliest check-in closing times at 10.00am to give fencers time to travel from many areas of the country on the day, however if numbers and circumstances require, some events may have to start earlier (9.00am or such) but we will try to avoid this.

Dependant on numbers some events may start in the late afternoon/early evening to ensure each event is finished with as little waiting around as possible with the last final being completed as early as possible. The plan is for events to start as close to the check-in times as possible so you will probably be scratched if you are not checked-in on time. Please ensure you give yourselves spare time to arrive at the event before your check-in closes.

Seedings for the first event of the season will be taken from the series points race from the previous season or relevant National rankings (depending on what is most appropriate in the organiser’s view) . . Seedings for later events will be taken from the current season’s points race or relevant National rankings (depending on what is most appropriate in the organiser’s view) .

For EEJS events that are also British Ranking Circuit events, the seedings for the event will be based on the required seeding scheme to correspond with British Fencing BRC event rules.


Information will be placed on this site, including entry lists (updated periodically and more often coming up to closing dates), so please check they have been received), check-in times and general information on events. Please check the website just after entries close for confirmed check-in times etc.

Weapon Sizes

Under 10 – Size 0
Under 12 – Size 0 or 2
Under 14 – Size 0 or 2
Under 17 – Size 0, 2 or 5

Please note that the Under 14 size choice is in line with the British Ranking Circuit regulations and takes into account when many fencers change up from size 2 to size 5 weapons following their last BYC U14 event.

Epee Lengths

Size 0 Epees (guard to tip 77.5cm max)
Size 2 Epees (guard to tip 82.5cm max)

Fight times / durations – To match British Youth Championship/British Under 14 Ranking Scheme format

Under 10 age-group – Poule fights will be to 5 hits, with a 2 minute fight duration. Direct Elimination fights will be to 10 hits with 3 periods of 2 minute duration (with a one minute gap between periods).

Under 12 age-group – Poule fights will be to 5 hits, with a 3 minute fight duration. Direct Elimination fights will be to 10 hits with 3 periods of 2 minute duration (with a one minute gap between periods).

Under 14 age-group – Poule fights will be to 5 hits, with a 3 minute fight duration. Direct Elimination fights will be to 12 hits with 3 periods of 2 minute duration (with a one minute gap between periods).

Under 17 age-group- Poule fights will be to 5 hits, with 3 minute duration and in the Direct Elimination fights will be to 15 hits with 3 periods of 3 minute duration.

Equipment regulations

All kit must conform to the British Fencing regulations (see www.britishfencing.com). In the under 17 event size 5 weapons will be allowed to be used so 350N breeches and 800 Newton plastrons are required. Weapons may be tested at the event from the first round for weight and travel; however due to the use of communal weapons by a large number of the entries, cards will not be issued for failed weapons (in this regard). All fencers should ensure that the equipment they are wearing fits correctly, with suitable overlap, especially between jackets & breeches. Referees will be specifically requested to ensure this is the case. Fencers in Girls events are required to wear chest-protectors.


Medals will be awarded to the top 4 in each individual event for the initial competitions of the series. The Grand Final Event will award prizes to all the 8 qualified fencers consisting of medals/plaques & fencing equipment vouchers. There will also be a trophy awarded to the Grand Final winners which will be returned and presented annually.


The series runs mainly on the entry fees received from fencers attending the events, with assistance from sponsors and other kind contributors/donors to the series. These funds pay for the running of the events including venue costs, referees, other staff (armourers, DT etc), hire charges for kit, van hire and every other imaginable cost In addition their is a prize fund for the Grand Final to pay for equipment vouchers, which we aim to continue going forward. Funds that are excess to the running of the events will go towards the time and expense of running the events by the competition organisers.  Prizes not collected by fencers at the Grand Final (if they leave before presentations) will be deemed as donated to our local fencing set up to support fencers that need help in securing equipment.

Late Entry Fees

There is an additional £5 late entry fee for entries made after the ‘initial entries close date’.

Refunds for withdrawals

Generally refunds are not given for fencers who do withdraw from events, however in cases that fencers withdraw 4 weeks or more in advance of an event taking place requests will be considered. Any refunds would be subject to a ₤5.00 administration fee, which would be taken off any returned funds.  Refunds will be made by bank transfer only and require an emailed request.

Referees/Event Officials

These events are only possible due to the huge efforts put in by the team of referees and other officials who attend the event. We do have a range of referees, from those who are fully qualified FIE referees who have refereed previously at Olympic Games, to those just starting out on their refereeing careers who are using these events to gain experience prior to taking their refereeing exams. Please note that we will only have referees at these events which we are confident in their abilities and experience of fencing.

All referees and officials are offered expenses to cover attendance at the events. Due to the tight budget (and to save on admin) this is on a flat rate basis.

If you are a referee, or a competent fencer who wishes to gain experience from refereeing at our events, please feel free to get in touch.

Data retention, Publishing of Entry lists and Results online

By entering these competitions you agree for entry lists, results, photographs and videos to be published on our facebook page, website and linked results page (British Fencing etc) and that data (including contact data) can be held by the event organisers to assist in future competition arrangements (including contacting you to inform you of future events).


The organizers will be arranging for some photography/videoing to occur during the event within the fencing hall. If you do have any issues with your child being included in these photos please contact the organizer prior to the event. Individuals may video/take photographs during the event (no flashes please) and, as events are run in public spaces, it is impossible to ensure videos/photographs will not be shared on social media.  Please see the British Fencing privacy/photography policy for full details.

If the event organiser/welfare officer (or authorised representative of the event organiser/welfare
officer) suspects inappropriate photography or filming, the officer/organiser should exercise his/her
powers under the conditions to request the person to leave the venue and to surrender any film
and/or delete any images relating to the event. Any person present at an event who has any concerns
about any images being taken, by any person, should bring them to the attention of the competition
organiser or other designated person.

Use of data/images & video

You may provide us with personal data as part of applying for or participating in events or activities.

This may include, but is not limited to, additional contact information, medical information, emergency contact information and images (photographic or video).

Where these activities or events are open to non-members:

  • We may additionally collect your name, date of birth, gender, email address, address, contact telephone numbers,

Occasionally, we take photos or videos of fencing activities. We may use these images in commercial materials that we produce, in displays and on our website. We may also make video or webcam recordings for monitoring, evaluation, training and educational purposes.

We also send images to the news media, or our activities/events/competitions may be visited by the media who will take their own photographs or film footage (for example, of a visiting dignitary or other high profile event).  People will often appear in these images.  The news media may use the images in printed publications (including local or national newspapers), on televised news programmes or on their website. They then store them in their archive. They may also syndicate the photos to other media for possible use, either in printed publications, on websites, or both. When we submit photographs and information to the media, we have no control on when, where, if or how they will be used.

If you do not want us to use your image or your child’s image, please let us know.

Personal data may also collected in the event that you are involved in any accidents or disciplinary or safeguarding incidents and any subsequent investigation arising from these.

Equipment Stand

Generally the cost involved in having a substantial equipment stand and the sales it creates makes it unfeasible to have a full equipment stand at events. What we can arrange for some events is a delivery service for competitions as I do visit the Allstar/Uhlmann & BladesBrand shop in advance of many Elite Epee events. Those who enter events will have this process detailed in time to make orders when available.


We cannot guarantee that we will have refreshment stands at all the events, however it is planned. If we do we will let those entering know in advance, however it is always advisable to bring your own supplies of things you like to eat anyway. We will let all those entered know what will be available prior to the event.

Data retention, Publishing of Entry lists and Results online

By entering these competitions you agree for entry lists and results to be published on our Facebook page, website and linked results page (British Fencing, Epee.me etc) and that data (including contact data) can be held by the event organisers to assist in future competition arrangements (including contacting you to inform you of future events).

Elite Epee Events Data Privacy Notice


If you are interested in sponsoring the series or any part of the series please contact us.